Kindergarten Policies
Please click on the links below to read our kinder policies.
These policies are developed in collaboration with kinder staff, families and the Early Learning Association Australia. Policies are available for community feedback in the kinder foyer for 2 weeks before publication, but feedback is welcome any time at​
Acceptance and Refusal of Authorisations
Bush Kinder - Delivery and Collection of Children
Bush Kinder - Emergency Evacuation
Bush Kinder - Identification and Visibility
Bush Kinder - Snake Awareness and First Aid
Bush Kinder - Protective Clothing
Child Safe Environment and Wellbeing
Code of Conduct for Involved Adults
Code of Conduct (attachment 1 of 2)
Code of Conduct (attachment 2 of 2)
Dealing with Infectious Diseases
Dealing with Medical Conditions
Delivery and Collection of Children